Year 7/8 Leadership 2024-07-26T09:00:17+00:00

Year 7/8 Leadership

We offer a wide range of opportunities for learners to step up and lead different areas of the school each year. The recognised learners in our school are role models, the face of the school and ultimate leaders of specialist groups, behaviour, activities and fundraising events. The leaders have a wide range of responsibilities around the school, depending on their role. 

Senior students foster tuakana-teina and are encouraged to lead and support the junior students in various activities.

We have developed a specialist leadership programme for our Year 7/8 students. These opportunities involve the students going on a bi-annual trip to Wellington, attending leadership summits, participating in the WIlliam Pike Challenge and working in school to develop their leadership skills and strategies. 

Senior students are encouraged to take on peer mediator duties. Students use our school values to reward positive behaviour that they have seen, as well as use the Zones of Regulation to work through small problems with their peers in the playground. Students have records of positive behaviour and are able to award Mana Awards.

We foster and help develop our seniors to become self-managed learners that strive for new opportunities where they realise that in order to see results they need to take action themselves.

Check out Team Kiwi’s class website

Student Voice

I have enjoyed being a head student at Maungakaramea School. You get so many leadership opportunities. There have been a lot of opportunities to meet new people. There are lots of different responsibilities to have and use. This teaches us our school values and helps us to teach them to other students.

Skye Sayer, Maungakaramea School

I have enjoyed how hands-on the leadership roles are that are provided at our school. We get to be really involved with the other students throughout our school. On the Wellington trip we got to plan absolutely everything like the activities, where to go for dinner, cooking, house keeping rosters and responsibilities and budgeting. Throughout my time at Maungakaramea School, I was able to find many places that my leadership can be applied, and this has prepared me with skills that I will use for life. 

Nick Merry, Maungakaramea School

I have really enjoyed the William Pike Challenge as I enjoy doing outdoor activities. I like how we also had to think of our own passion project so we can try something new.

Kurtis Ryder, Maungakaramea School

Year 7/8 Opportunities 2020

  • Year 7/8 Wellington Trip

    Our bi-annual trip to Wellington provides opportunity for students to be involved in making choices, planning, making reservations, cooking, budgeting, organising of transport and planning their own exciting activities. This trip is subsidised through school fundraising.

  • William Pike Challenge

    Our Year 7/8 students grow to become community minded, young explorers, ready to take on any challenge! This programme encompasses 20 hours of Passion Projects, 20 hours of Community Service and 5 challenging outdoor activities to build their resilience and wellbeing.

  • Technology

    Every Friday our Year 7/8 students are transported to Tauraroa Area School and are immersed in a technology programme with specialist teachers offering Hard Materials (woodwork), Soft Materials (design and sewing) and Food Technology (cooking).